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New Years Eve in Vilnius

New Years Eve in Vilnius
New Years Eve in Vilnius
(1) marks: 3

In spite of the fact that something about a month is still left till the New Years Eve, today a lot of people already start thinking over, how and where it would be better to celebrate this holiday. New Years Eve in Vilnius has always attracted a lot of tourists who have been gathering in the capital of Lithuania at that time. Every year a lot of events are organized for the city-folk and for visitors of the capital. But this New Years Eve promises to be something special. The fact is that on December, 31st, the project “Vilnius - the cultural capital of the Europe” in going to start. Another significant event is the millennium of the name “Lithuania”. In this connection a great number of large dimensions projects are planned so that this year is borne in mind of everyone. Elona Byorinene, vice-president of a social institution “Vilnius - the cultural capital of the Europe 2009”, states that everyone who will decide to meet New Years Eve in Vilnius, will remembered this holiday for a long time.

Everything will start with the musical performance “@Hoffmann_Spragtukas” which simultaneously combines both classical and modern genres. It is an original musical-performance after the fairy-tale “The Nutcracker” and it will take place on the bank of the river Neris. Upon the performance completion spectators can admire a superb multilevel fiesta of light and music show which will light up a firmament of Vilnius. The organizers say that in New Years Eve Vilnius can be seen from outer space. This light show has been specially developed by well known German lighting designer Gert Hoffman. The enchanting spectacle will take about 20 minutes, about 60 huge bright colored projectors are planned to be used for it, and 10 laser guns that are considered to be the best in the world. The height of a light splash will be 50 km; its diameter is about 400 meters. The action will be closed by colored fireworks shootings that will give an imitation of the Lithuanian flag.

The total value of these actions amounts to about one million euro. It is planned, that about 50 thousand spectators will come and visit them. All this action will be in a live television broadcast by the main Lithuanian channel.

And on the 1st of January the area near the town hall will already turn into the real skating-rink where people can skate the whole month. While opening a skating-rink the action “Ice Mystery” will take place where the most famous Lithuanian figure skaters Margarita Drobyazko and Povelas Vanagas will participate. It also is planned to build the stylized small houses around the skating-rink with cafes, restaurants and souvenir shops in them.

According to the Web site materials:

Date: 04/12/2008


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