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The statistics of tourism in Lithuania for 2008

The statistics of tourism in Lithuania for 2008
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The year 2008 for tourist industry of Lithuania was successful enough. As the preliminary statistics of the Statistics Department of Lithuania reflects, the hotels and tourist manors of Lithuania have accepted 2,7 per cent more people, than it was in 2007. In total in hotels of Lithuanian cities have stayed 1,8 million people, from them nearby 50 per cent are foreigners. The quantity of those who have a rest in Birštonas and Neringa has especially increased. About 604 thousand visitors stayed overnight in the capital hotels that is 5,6 per cent more than it was in comparison to the previous year.

Among the countries which citizens stayed in Lithuania, the top division belongs to Poland - 135,2 thousand people (compared to 112,2 thousand in 2007), then goes Germany - 114,1 thousand people (compared to 111,6 thousand), Russia - 73,6 thousand people (compared to 56,6 thousand), Latvia - 74,1 thousand people (compared to 59,7 thousand), Finland - 39,3 thousand people (compared to 35.1 thousand) and the Great Britain - 39 thousand people (compared to 36,9 thousand) .

As to the availability of free accommodations, the average housing of hotels was 44,8 per cent against 46,2 per cent in 2007.

In the other rating the Department of statistics of Lithuania demonstrates the statistics of using rural tourism services in Lithuania. According to this information, in the Lithuanian guest houses and manors 8 thousand Germans, 6,5 thousand Poles, 4,4 thousand Latvians, 2,5 thousand Russians, 1,6 thousand Estonians, 1,2 thousand Byelorussians stayed overnight. If we take into consideration the duration of stay, here figures are the following: Germans - 14 thousand nights, Poles - 11,2 thousand nights, Latvians - 6,9 thousand nights, Russians - 5 thousand nights, Byelorussians - 2,4 thousand nights. In comparison to the previous year much more of citizens of Germany and Russia prefer to stay in the country-side.

The most popular areas have been Klaipeda district, Telšiai district and TauragÄ— district. In total in 2007 in Lithuania there were 10 230 tourist manors. Most of them are situated in Ignalina district, Zarasai district and Trakai district.

In rating of the TTCI (competitiveness of tourism sector) held by World economic forum Lithuania ranks No. 49 (compared to 47 in 2007) just after Latvia (ranks No. 48). Estonia ranks No. 28, Russia - 59, Ukraine - 77. This rating has been made based on various parameters: the level of infrastructure, political stability of the state, safety of tourists and many other things.

In 2009 the analytics broadcast the recession of tourism worldwide because of world financial crisis. It concerns also the Baltic States the economics of which has suffered essentially. But at the same time the cost of tourist services will decrease, that will allow to save money while having a rest.

Date: 18/03/2009


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